Friday, April 25, 2008

Cookware and more!

These are in great condition...anyone interested beyond me?

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Tricia said...

Wow,great job. I guess I am mailnly interested in the drapes if they are up for grabs. Thother item might be one of the white large ramekin looking dishes.(White dish with ridges down the side).
Love the memories. Thanks for a pic of the closet too.

Kathy said...

drapes are already yours...

Tricia said...

Did I mention that I would like the drapes? So much for my little brain to remember sometimes.

Sandy said...

K, I think I can taste the crab meat! ;-)

I hope you take the serving dishes. If not, I'll take 1 or 2 as I don't really have presentable serving dishes but I am in no rush either. ;-)