Friday, April 18, 2008

6004 Front Yard...more to see

Right side of house before...
After! Yes, the good ole bank. I was teaching Dean that we will call it that...LOL! The last tree will go too...and I am going to plant a garden here...gets lots of sunshine! Wish me well...I don't know much about it...

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Tricia said...

Was he born with the last name "wildman"? or later given the name?
"The Green Thing" and "the bank" have had quite a transformation!! I know all the work it takes to pull up juniper and other unwanted bushes that had been planted for 40 yrs. Will wait for K wildman's magic touch.

Sandy said...

I can't wait to see what you all will do! It is amazing... I am curious what the neighbors are thinking! LOVE IT!