Monday, April 14, 2008

Off to Nate's in Ellicot City! (Roger's son)

Roger and Nate showed up Sunday around 4pm (4-13-08) with a UHaul. Wish you could have been there to see Nate and Roger turn red in the face MANY times as they moved this couch! VERY HEAVY! Nate was really excited with it and as they struggled, I reminded him that this was his kind to your couch! :-)
Nate was "stoked" about the glass coffee tables...he really was very thankful...and thanked us several times!!!
I carried this one to the UHaul...the least I could do.
Roger & Nate...Hmmm...look you recognize any other furniture that made it on the truck? Hint: It was in the sunroom...
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1 comment:

Sandy said...

And Stacey didn't want to push it when I asked her to bring it up to him? I knew what I was talking about! LOL!

You can barely see it! LOL! So glad they were stoked. I hope you carried the LITTLE glass table. ;-) Not that you couldn't carry the big one, but why push it?