Monday, March 17, 2008

Proof of condo progress

Whoever heard of vacuuming a shower? Try it, but don't electricute yourself!
Mom's bathroom...Trish had a great start, but where are the containers??? A gone, gone, gone they be gone (to the entranceway)...will send pics soon. :-)
Closet to the right - EMPTY at last!
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my.t.happy said...

I wanted to keep you all in the loop, so I helped take photos when I remembered. I was fascinated that Kathy was vacuuming the shower. I thought this was definitely worth a picture. However, when the flash went off, I spooked Kathy into wondering whether or not she had just been electrocuted. You should have heard her squeal. SORRY KATHY!! It was very satisfying to have had Dean there in the morning and evening to see our progress. He wanted to know where we had put everything. But thanks to ECHO and the Salvation Army(or GoodWill), we were able to take the obvious extras away!

Sandy said...

I can't believe how nice it looks! I am looking forward to contributing on my next visit.


Sandy said...

How many times did we try to convince Mom that she didn't need more storage containers??? No matter how hard we tried, we couldn't change her mind! She was determined....and boy did she store stuff! How many empty containers are you finding these days?

Kathy said...

Many many many many containers!!!

Kathy said...
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