Monday, March 24, 2008

A chuckle...where do you write down your phone messages?

No messages here, but an old scarf "how to" book ~ we've come a long way in fashion!
These were cutting edge back in the day...and #s for Bob Rhode and Rick Elmendorf!
More #s - Henry, Bill Moore...
Hope this made you smile!
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J Short said...

I love finding old phone numbers on random objects and notes, except instead of finding them after years, I usually find them somewhere the morning after I've been out drinking with friends. I've found lots of numbers (only sometimes accompanied by a name that I usually don't remember either) on matchbooks, car windows, and my own skin. hehe. I hope you returned your phone calls!

Sandy said...

Who is J Short? LOL!!! I am cracking up that somebody is on our clean out blog. LOL! My My.... That is funny! I'm still laughing...