Saturday, March 22, 2008

6004 'before renovation' pictures

Upstairs hallway...lovely can see down the hall where I initially ripped some of it down. And to think this was in the entryway and down the stairs too! not to mention the carpeting...
mom & dad's room...with our furniture. This was how we initially lived upon moving into 6004...our bedroom. No wonder I had the blues!
The can see where i began clearing the ivy - down by the nasty log pile that had been there since the early 90's. saw my first termites 1st hand. Under all those leaves was ivy...and the trees had growing ivy that is no more.
Terp & Quiggley romping in the back...a bit more progress made. this was when the fence line did not cover the property as there was much more removal to do (broken glass, beer cans, ivy, etc.).
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