Thursday, May 1, 2008

TTT - Tough!

Away went dad's desk...I almost rescued it several times...but when all was said and done, my prayer is that it will help others. Later that day, I was shredding tax docs and came across dad's Charitable Contributions...WOW! I will scan for you so that we remember how giving our parents were even through belt tightening days. AWESOME
Dad's chair
Dad's chair...Trish, I almost took this back too...but the volunteer pick-up guy, Wally, "coached me through" as he reminded me of the good these things will do for others.
How old is this???
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Tricia said...

I can not imagine saying good bye to all this stuff up close and personal! TTT tough tough tough...he would be PPP proud proud proud.
Thanks K

Sandy said...

I couldn't say it better Little T! Thanks again K for everything... I know it's so hard.