Thursday, May 29, 2008

More cabinets gone.

Dean was hoping that we could re-purpose some of these cabinets - but the installers ripped (rather than cut) through the backs and sides for electric / water so we can only salvage a few.
Taking the undermount light down...I scared Dean a few times by sneaking up to take "live shots" when he was dealing w/ electrical. He thought he was getting shocked when the camera flashed. Whoops...
The long pipe over the window provides heat to the master bathroom - but it is in the way! Dean may have to drill holes through the new cabinets to make the connections work. Hmmm.
We have carpet remnants down trying to protect our nice hardwood floors during this process.
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Tricia said...

The amount of dust from all the work must be tremendous. Good you are protecting those gorgeous floors.

Sandy said...

That is crazy about the pipe! I wish Mom & Dad knew that the early contractors were cutting corners so more cabinets could have been salvaged.


You need to give a heads up on the camera! I scare so easily, I just can only imagine thinking I am getting electrocuted! buzz buzz buzz :-)