Thursday, May 1, 2008

Dreamy stuff

These card tables have seen a lot of action! Dean took them to the Salvation Army with a truckload of other stuff...REJECTED. Too used...go figure!
Garage - morning of April 30
Dreamy photos...say goodbye.
Scrapbooking oval / circle cutter
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Tricia said...

I did not know that you could click on a pic and it enlarged! I now see that the garage stuff has been photographed or at least well on it's way. Great job KTW!

Sandy said...

What did you do with the photos of Mom & Dad? Memories!

I am pretty sure I have the cutters for scrapbooking. Thanks!

Kathy said...

mom and dad pics went in the trash. :-(

They were falling apart and the coloring was not good. If they could have been made "cool" somehow, I would have salvaged. But thought a photo to remember was the appropriate move. Hope that was ok...