Sunday, May 4, 2008

Bible Study

Yes...of course, more bible study! The bible in the upper left corner is very special...from 1894 - Norma Powers? A Vermont pass down. I am highly interested in some of you may be too. Sandy and I plan to visit VT this summer and it would be cool to bring it as show and tell (possibly!). I have found a few other Vermont history books (one written by Larry Powers that he sent mom) that are pretty cool too!

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Tricia said...

Great find(Bible). Is that an Ice BUcket at the bottom? Evemn if not I am interested...surprised?

Sandy said...

Yes, I like the Great Bible find! I am sure the Powers will be happy to see and hear about it. I am interested in Larry's book. How is Mom's Black Bible? The little books we bought in the Holy Land.

Kathy said...

Trish...the gold round "bucket" is in ok condition...I think dad used it for magazines...I believe I spotted it in an old pic from before 6004 it's been around the block!

Sand - If memory serves, the black bible is in good condition. i don't know that it had any writing in it, but she had so many bibles...not sure! Let me know if you want me to set it aside.