Sunday, June 1, 2008

More Garden snaps.

Here are my strawberries...see a few are forming already.
My garden...grow!
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Admire my Garden!

Yellow squash - the flowers turn into the squash, who knew?
Cucumber...that flower will sprout into a cucumber!
Here is a tight shot on the yellow squash...see at the base how it forms...and the flower shrivels up on cool!
Admire my loose leaf lettuce...I picked 6 leaves from it yesterday.
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Kitch ren - more!

Oh the dust.
Entryway to the dining room sealed.
A view from above.
New recessed lighting...the blue down the middle will be our island pendant lighting. Fancy fancy!
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The Front of 6004

My Herb garden
Oh the blooms...
Cheery front
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Demolition continues...

Dean the destroyer!
No more popcorn ceiling!
New storm doors - and doors painted burgundy to match shutters. See my herbs? The truck is ready for yet another dump run!
I wonder what mom would think...
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Thursday, May 29, 2008

My garden on the bank...

Strawberries, tomatoes, green and yellow pepper, broccoli, squash, zuccini and lettuce!

Boyz chillin'
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Kitchen and the boys....

Hey - where's wall - doe? I mean Dean?
Terp hunting.
Quig hangin.
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